
Welcome to Antique Tobacco Collectibles. If you have reached our site that means that you are either a collector, dealer, or someone looking to learn more about your Antique Tobacco Collectibles. We have designed our site to pack as much information as possible about Antique Tobacco Collectibles into an easy to use website.

My name is Dale Fenton, I’m a dealer and collector of Tobacciana ( tobacco collectibles of all types ). I’m always trying to grow my collection and I built this site so that people could learn more about Tobacciana, their collectibles and antiques and so that they can find me and I can find them. If you find your item on this site and are looking to sell please Contact Me and I can make you an offer. If you like the offer I can mail you a check or send you funds by Paypal and then once you’re satisfied, you can mail the item to me. You don’t have to mail anything until you’ve gotten the money!

Services we Provide:

-Purchase Single items or entire Collections
-We appraise all Antique Tobacco Collectibles
-We are auction representatives at all major shows and auctions
-We keep a small inventory of Antique Tobacco Collectibles for our customers
( off-line )
-We are THE Antique Tobacco Collectibles experts.

Check back often! We are frequently adding pictures to the image gallery and the information pages.
Do not hesitate to ask us any questions you have about your Antique Tobacco Collectibles whether buying or selling!
Send me an email: dale@antiquetobacco.com
Or fill out our contact form

We look forward to hearing from you. There are no dumb questions and when dealing with antiques, you always want to be educated.